Sunday, 2 June 2013

Lesson 5



Step1 Prifix 0 before multiplicand
Step2 Take last digit, subtract it 
from 10 and write it at
the extreme right
Step3 Take second last digit add one and subtract it from last digit write before step 1 figure
Step4 Now move toward left take third last digit and subtract it from right neighbour ,write before step 2
figure and repeat it up to first digit ie 0
123456 x9 = ??
0123456x9 =
Here subtract 6 from 10 ( 10-6=4 ) write 4 at the extreme right ............4
Take 5 add 1 (5+1 =6) and subtract it to last digit 6 and write before ..4,6-6=0 ............04
Take 4 subtract it from 5 and write before ....04 5-4 =1 . ..........104
Subtract 3 from 4 and write before ...104 4-3 =1 .........1104
Subtract 2 from 3 and write before ..1104 3-2 =1 ........11104
Subtract 1 from 2 and write before..11104 2-1 =1 .......111104
Subtract 0 from 1 and write before.111104 1-0 =1 1111104
1111104 is our required answer
365 x9= ??
10-5 =5 ............5
6+1=7 subtract 7 from 5 , take carry from 6 now 5 become 15 ( 15- 7 =8 ) .......85
Now 6 become 5(adjust carry) subtract 3 from it 5-3 =2 ........285
3-0 =3 3285
3285 is our required answer
I think all of you understand this concept . It is a very useful tool ,with the help of this tool
now we learn multiplication of 36 ,.45 ,54. 63 . 72 ,81 and other multiple of 9
212x36 =( 4x9)x212 = 9x(848)=7632
212x45 = (90/2)x212 = 9x(2120/2)= 9x1060= 9540
43x54=(9x6)x43= 9x(43x6)=9x 258=2322
63x58 =(9x7)x58 = 9x( 7x58) = 9x 406 = 3654
72x23 =(8x9)x23 = 9x(8x23) = 9x184 = 1656
81 x59 =(10-1)9 x59 = (590-59)x9=531x9 = 4779
Practice Test
2589 x9= 5897 x36 = 569x9=
256x45 = 987x63 = 177 x9=
458x54 = 458x9= 2597x72=


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